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Female KAREN KAY MEHLHOFF Click to view KAREN KAY MEHLHOFF in the family tree Click to view KAREN KAY MEHLHOFF in the family tree in SVG format

KAREN KAY was born in 1951.  KAREN KAY's father is ELMER EDWIN MEHLHOFF and her mother is LORENE WEISENBURGER.  Her maternal grandfather is PETER WEISENBURGER and her maternal grandmother was HELENA RATH.  She has two brothers and two sisters, named GARY DEAN, ALAN EUGENE, CHERYL ANN and HOLLY JEAN.  She is the third oldest of the five children.

Family Click here for details of KAREN KAY's family with MOORE

Family Click here for details of KAREN KAY's family with LANNY ROGGEMAN