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Female MARY ALICE STACEY Click to view MARY ALICE STACEY in the family tree Click to view MARY ALICE STACEY in the family tree in SVG format

MARY ALICE was born on March 14th, 1887 in Roy, Douglas County, MO.  MARY ALICE's father was GEORGE STACEY and her mother was MATILDA JANE LOWERY.  Her maternal grandfather is WILLIAM CLAYTON LOWERY.  She had a brother and three sisters, named GEORGE SAMSON, NANCY A., ROSE C. and SARAH.  She had a half-brother and two half-sisters, named WM. DONALD, MYRTLE ALLIE and LYDIA LAYTORIA.  She died at the age of 51 on April 29th, 1938 in Selah, Yakima County.

Family Click here for details of MARY ALICE's family with HIRAM LEONARD SARTIN

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Family Genogram.

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