The Family data, which have been compiled and edited in the Aisenbrey/Eisenbrey/Eisenbrei Family Book, are the source of the Family Tree, which is a graphical representation of this database. For those of you, who have seen a printout of the Family Tree, it should be obvious, that searching for people and navigating in the Tree without software assistance is a hard job.
The digital database of the following representation was provided by Jack Conway of San Diego, CA. Last update is of Dec 9, 2004. Jack has digitized the data of all individuals contained in the Family Book, which was compiled, edited and issued by Kenneth Aisenbrey of Olivet, SD. The German part of the family tree was updated several times since 2004, so large parts are missing here. For more recent information of this part go to the German Family-Index.
This index-like listing of names for persons and families was generated automatically from the Family Tree, using HTML and a Report Generator. Apart from being an index it contains links representing the relationship of persons. With the icons on top of the left side you can switch between different index orders (from left):
HOME , Individuals , Families , Family Tree , Locations .
The first 3 icons are self-explanatory. Use the links offered and you will see the results. Locations here means birth places or places, where the corpse of the person was buried. The locations data are rather incomplete. The warning appearing in the beginning can be neglected (click OK).
But Family Tree is an interesting feature. For viewing and navigation convenience I've split the Aisenbrey/Eisenbrey/Eisenbrei-USA tree into several sub-trees, displayed by Adobe's SVG Viewer. You can zoom, navigate, and - by clicking to an individual - get an Ancestor Pedigree chart. All sub-trees are linked together, the link being shown by an underlined blue name of the person, who represents the link. Nonetheless every individual is represented only once in all the trees.
Since all individuals are linked together, some interesting search scenarios are possible: in the Individuals view scroll down the name index and select a person by clicking to its name. This individual's data now will be displayed in a frame on the right side of the browser window. When there is a birth place or a burial place in the data set of the individual, you can click to the place and Google Maps will be invoked with a marker to the location.
When you click to the Family Tree symbol on the right side of the person's name, a third frame will open, showing the person's location in the family tree. In this graphical view of the family tree you can zoom and navigate using the green arrows at the edges of the frame. When you click and hold to one of the arrows, the navigation speed will increase automatically. But: the larger the displayed diagram, the slower the diagram view will change.
Since all subtrees are linked together, you can switch between subtrees by clicking to an underlined blue name. As there is only one data set per person, you can toggle between two subtrees containing the same person.
A click to the Tree icon in the Home window opens a list of all subtrees in this index. All subtrees containing Aisenbrey, Eisenbrey, or Eisenbrei have been edited graphically. The "Germany" subtree was not updated, it contains incomplete data. For correct data please switch to the German Family Index (see "Emigrants of Guendelbach - Founders of big American Families").
Emigrants of Guendelbach - Founders of big American Families
In the graphical family tree some individuals are shown in a yellow box. These persons are emigrants from Guendelbach and represent the foundes of the different American lines. A click to one of the yellow boxes below invokes the German Family Index for all Aisenbrey families living in Germany and their ancestors. If you want to find the ancestors of Peter Aisenbrey, for example, just click to the yellow box below. Your browser will open and display the entry of Peter in the German Family Index.
Peter Aisenbrey was the first emigrant of our family. He left Guendelbach on Sept. 26, 1753 and traveled on board of the ship "Brothers" to Philadelphia. There he was owner of a tavern and he owned a plantation in Maryland.
Johann Erhard Eisenbrey was born in Guendelbach. At the age of 2 he emigrated with his father Peter Aisenbrey (see above) to Philadelphia.
Philipp Bernhard Aisenbrey walked in 1804 on foot from Guendelbach to Neuburg Colony in South Russia.
Johannes Aisenbrey, his son Matthias (Matthäus) and his wife Eva emigrated in 1832 to Massillon, Ohio, USA
Matthäus Aisenbrey emigrated in 1832 to Massillon, Ohio, USA. He changed his name to EISENBREI
Karl Aisenbrey emigrated between 1888 und 1900 to Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
Michael Aisenbrey emigrated together with his brother Johannes in 1854 to New York, USA.
You need high speed internet (DSL) to navigate through the family tree. It works fine with Internet Explorer, and a bit slower with Firefox, depending on your CPU speed. But when you left-click and hold one of the green navigation arrows, Firefox will accelerate navigation speed.
To MACOS X users:
I've tested the application with Firefox on my old, slow PowerMac. It works, but it is slow. I couldn't test it with Safari, because I wasn't able to install Adobe's SVG viewer ( a filetype problem).
Your comments on the family index are welcome. Please mail to, or place an entry to the guest book at
And now enjoy the complete family index!
New Functions of GenoPro
When I updated the family tree data in December 2010 I moved the HTML view (report) to the GenoPro server. For users no disadvantages or drawbacks arise from this action, but data management benefits very much: the uploading process is much faster and program changes will be effective instantly.
The following new functions are now availabe:
The lifetime of a person will be displayed on a timeline. Now you can see, which persons of a family, a branch of a family tree or of the complete family tree have lived at what time
In a monthly overview all birthdays (including ages) of living persons are displayed.
Note: mistrust all ages above 90 and anniversaries above 50. They can relate to data not updated for a long time. Sometimes they might be true, however.
Contact data (addresses, phone numbers etc.) of family members shall not be disclosed during their lifetime - privacy is guaranteed.
Source data are pretty rare in most family trees, because many genealogists don't record their sources together with the data.
Auenwald, December 2010
Heinz Aisenbrey